Monday 9 April 2007

Blame it on Mr Dead

In New York, we were invited to an exclusive Prince Paul hip hop party, but as with anywhere in the US, you need to produce ID. Knowing that Sticky was too young to get in, we tried to blag it but were turned away. So in order to salvage the night, hip hop artist and good friend Mr Dead came out and advised us to get a cab across the river to a cool little hang out that would be "rocking". Taking his advice, we went and as we entered, found it to be totally empty. Being absolute muppets, we decided to hang about for 20 mins to have a drink with the barmaid. 5 bottles of vodka later, we emerged at 6am and headed back to the hotel. Once there and chilling in Asid's room, ez broke into a sweat, slid off the bed into a bedside lamp and crawled to the bathroom to hurl his guts into the toilet. Lesson learned the hard way......Everything in moderation.