Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Lemon Twist

In Prague, Czech Republic, after a shoot with DHL in freezing cold conditions. Here at the wrap party, we see the normally teetotal Blue, after being coerced into a Redbull and Vodka drinking comp with ez. Midway through the night, some bastard got a round of tequila shots in and here we see Blue after taking a hit of cinamon, downing the shot and then killing it off with a twist of lemon.

Finding it hard to shake off the zing, Blue freaks out. Wrrrrrrrrrrecked!!

In no time at all Blue passed out and in his sleeping state, became the subject of a few pranks. Here we see him being stitched up to look like he's been doing lines. Notice the drunken attention to detail with frazzles being meticulously placed all over his head. *NB......No narcotics were used in this pic. The 'evidence' was captured with use of pitta bread crumbs. However, Blue was mortified when we told him the next morning that he'd been doing class A's all night.